Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Parliament is the place for lasting peace

Not in the street, but in the parliament should the elected representatives discuss lasting peace in the country. It is the form and norm of democracy which should be respected by both ruling and opposition parties in the country.
At the very beginning, the ruling party is always welcoming the opposition party to discuss any national topics in the parliament. Unfortunately, the opposition party has been boycotting for so long that the most of parliamentary sessions have gone without them. As a result, nation missed to watch the debates between ruling and opposition party in the parliament which can impact the mind of the voters. Especially, the role of opposition party is very essential in the parliament for the support of strong democracy in the country. If not, it is unfortunate!
The caretaker government is still an issue of the opposition party in the country. They are taking this opportunity in the street that creates a violent environment and people and economy suffer for it. Having no majority in the parliament does not mean that the opposition party has to go to the street. It means that the opposition party has to show their courage through debates in the parliament so that they can convince the heart of the voters. Suppose, the opposition party loses votes concerning the caretaker government issue in the parliament, they should accept their defeat with a pleasant tone and mind, and be prepared for the next election like the true spirit of sportsmanship. If they win the majority votes in the next election, then the question arise, will they endorse the caretaker government at the end of their term? Obviously, it is the complexity and not a peaceful solution. It will cause nation into further disputes. It is experimental truth that the caretaker government also creates constitutional problem for not holding election on time which is not acceptable to both ruling and opposition parties. The fact is nation wants to change the government by ballots, but not by bullets. The era of bullets as well as back doors is gone forever in the dust of past.
Around the world, all political parties have both advantages and disadvantages. It is possible to do election under the ruling party in Bangladesh because the election commission is neutral and independent. Many ruling parties in democracy around the world are doing the same job. So it has become a global issue now. In the meantime, the opposition party has competed with the ruling party in Bangladesh in the various elections and earned victories, too. Furthermore, the ruling party is the only original political party in the history of Bangladesh that led the successful War of Independence of Bangladesh. That is why they did not form their coalitions with the groups of anti-liberation people during the War of Bangladesh Independence. Sadly, the opposition party has such elements and coalitions with the groups of anti-liberation people. It is the main difference between ruling party and opposition party in the country.
On the other hand, nation's strength depends on students because the students are the hope of tomorrow and the beacon of future. During the War of Independence, students were the "Freedom Fighters." Now in free Bangladesh, students need to devote their time and energy to their studies to build a strong and golden Bangladesh.
Nation wants good politicians. So a good student can be a good politician who will understand the need of nation and the true welfare of the people of the country. Many students who are active in politics are not well-educated. As a result, they do not understand the national and international issues; even have no proper idea about constitutional reform. Constitutional reform needs knowledge and understanding about country's socio-economic systems. Sadly, some of political leaders use students as their tools which endanger their lives.
Damaging public properties, burning buses and trains and throwing the stones around streets -- all these are the signs of indiscipline and negative activities. These destructive activities must be stopped. Otherwise, the nation would not go forward. That is why the nation needs mature politicians and students who understand the value of public properties and recognize parliament as the place of national discussion for lasting peace in the country.
Published in The Financial Express, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 29, 2012

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